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Endless www.tumblr.com - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. The books were the most basic type of gamebook; the reader made decisions but didn't have to keep track of any rules. More advanced adventures were found in the Super Endless Quest spinoff series while simpler ones were found in the Fantasy Forest books. A second series of Endless Quest books . Endless Quest - Book 1 - Dungeon of Dread - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search/5(3).

endless quest books pdf download

Endless quest books pdf download

You will find a complete adventure between the covers of this book with many possible courses of action. Some choices are simple, some are sensible, some endless quest books pdf download foolhardy, and some are dangerous! You must make all the decisions. Remember, your choice determines the outcome of your adventure. In this book, you play the part of a human fighter.

As an adult, you stand 5'9" tall and weigh about pounds. You are smart and have survived many adventures using little more t h a n your wits. You are well schooled in the use of weapons endless quest books pdf download are a powerful opponent. You carry a sword and a dagger, and wear a long-sleeved, green tunic over leather breeches. Fine leather boots guard your feet. A long green hunter's cloak protects you from the cold. You carry flasks of oil, a tinder box, a length of rope, and other gear in a leather pouch tied to your belt, and food and water in a sack slung over your shoulder.

Good luck and good adventuring! Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors, endless quest books pdf download. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Hobbies, Inc. TSR Hobbies, Endless quest books pdf download. The area seems eerie and strange.

There is no moonlight, so the shadows are very black. The air is still and heavy. Even the usual night noises of small birds and animals are missing. Ordinarily, you would have pressed on through the dark woods to the nearest town, but this night you are too tired to take another step. Wrapping your cloak firmly around yourself, endless quest books pdf download, you lie down upon a soft bed of moss with your sword close at hand.

You are soon fast asleep. You dream that summer breezes ruffle your clothes. A strong breeze tugs at your cloak. You slowly awaken. There is no breeze, the night is calm! Your reflexes scream an alarm and you awaken! Eyes snapping open, you see a three foot tall halfling probably a thief quietly searching your clothes. In one smooth, swift movement, you jump to your feet and grab the unlucky halfling by the scruff of his neck.

The halfling's eyes shine in the moonlight and his fear is easy to see. I'm no danger to anyone. Why, I just now escaped a terrible fate.

If you spare me and feed me, I'll tell you where to find all the treasure in the world. I will spare your life and feed you if your story interests me enough to pay for my lost sleep. But I warn you, if the tale does not, I will'feed you to the crows! Soon, you and the halfling share its welcome warmth. Its bright light holds back the shadows of the night. You brew mugs of strong tea as the halfling falls ravenously On a mutton leg and round of cheese.

He eats as though it has been years since he last saw food. All the while his large brown eyes flicker about, calculating his chances for escape. He studies the strong grace of your movements, your mirror-bright shield glinting in the firelight, and your sword hanging within easy reach, its hilt polished with use.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, the halfling sighs, and stares into the flickering fire. Kalman, he calls himself. No one knows who he is or where he came from, endless quest books pdf download.

One day he wasn't here, the next he was. Things soon began to change for the worse. People grew poor and sickly, crops withered, and livestock weakened and died Gathering their courage, they came upon Kalman in the middle of the night, burned his house down and drove him from the town. He fled to these woods and claimed them as his own. If I could do that, I could return to the village as a rich hero. Finally, I came to a mountain just outside the forest.

I was cold and tired, so I crawled up on a ledge of rock to rest. I was going to sit for a moment before I went home. I must have fallen asleep, for the next thing I knew I woke up to find Kalman standing over me.

Then we slipped through an opening in the side of the mountain. I don't even want to think of them," shudders the halfling. You will always know just how much you have lost. Those who seek danger foolishly always find it. You are lucky; I feel generous. I shall let you go and not even change you into a newt, as you deserve. When you return to your home, none will believe you. Your friends will think you have been drinking fermented corn juice in the woods, and have made this story up to cover your absence.

They will laugh at you. Only you will know what you have beheld and lost. Now, begone! When it cleared, I found myself in these dark woods, alone and hungry.

Finally, he rouses himself and says, with a shaky laugh, "You can see now, I'm just a poor halfling, of endless quest books pdf download harm or help to anyone. Strangely enough, you do believe the tale. Even though the little man is clad in a grimy, patched cloak, and has one toe peeking through his tattered leather boots, endless quest books pdf download eyes hold a stubborn look that says "I'm not a quitter.

If he were given encouragement and a fair chance, he might prove a endless quest books pdf download companion. Kalman would not allow you to survive as he did me. I was a moment's amusement, but you would be a serious threat. Anyway, the monsters would get you first. They're scary! I don't remember them clearly, but I remember enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life. You're crazy to even think about going in there.

You couldn't get me to go back in there for a million, zillion gold pieces! As the wizard said, 'those who search for danger will find it. You might even succeed where I failed. I will take you to the rock. At least it will prove I spoke the truth, endless quest books pdf download. The night is dark. Without the halfling's knowledge of the way, you would be hopelessly lost.

Trees loom out of the darkness, Brambles clutch at your legs, and sharp stones cut into the soles of your boots, endless quest books pdf download.

At last the mountain rises before you, silhouetted against the night. The halfling searches about for a while, then cries "Aha! Here it is! You turn to the halfling, almost expecting him to h a v e disappeared. But he h a s remained faithfully by your side, instead of scurrying off into the night as soon as you found the opening.

Lauras laughs a bitter laugh. She's a hard woman. If I don't tell the truth, she'll still yell at me for disappearing, and not talk to me, although that might be a blessing. I will just go back to being Little Lauras, the baker's helper. Would you consider joining me on a second adventure?

Kalman will never expect you to return, and with your assistance we may defeat this evil wizard. If we succeed, you will return home a hero. Thereafter, you would be known as Laurus the Brave!

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Endless quest books pdf download

endless quest books pdf download

Also see the spin-off Endless Quest: Crimson Adventures series, the Catacombs series, the 1 on 1 Adventure Gamebooks series, the younger audience spin-off Fantasy Forest series, the romance based HeartQuest series, & the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Gamebooks series. endless quest books pdf download Download endless quest books pdf download or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get endless quest books pdf download book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. The Endless Quest books are an exciting new series from Mirrorstone Books for readers ages years old. Each book is written so that the reader becomes the hero in the story by using second-person voice. Rather than reading the story front to back, the Endless Quest books .

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